Saturday, November 1, 2008

Blog: Current Phenomenon and Benefits to the Community

Today, blogs have been increasingly used as other form of media on issues that concerns the community that could influence by spreading information such as opinions on particular issues that relates to us. Blogs are used to express feelings, post issues on hot topics like politics, personal interest, advertisements or just plain entertainment. According to, they are currently tracking 112.8 million blogs.

Blogosphere is a community where bloggers share a same interest or topic, etc., meaning they are interconnected with one another online. For example, a blogger might talk about issues on politics, where the audience or other bloggers might share the same opinion of that particular blogger.


With blogs increasing, there are many types of blogs that are categorize below (Thinkquest, 2006):

  • Personal (music, life, politics, fashion, etc)
  • Corporate
  • Spam
  • Podcast and Videocasts
  • Photography


The public have become more dependant in getting information compared in the olden days. Companies benefit from advertising by marketing their product and services while others may benefit for what ever may the reason it may be. The community benefits from blogs somehow maybe good but in other ways it could be bad in terms of abuse of usage.


Technorati 2008, State of blogosphere 2007, viewed 1 November 2008, <>

Technorati 2008, About Us, viewed 1 November 2008, <

Thinkquest 2006, Types of Blogs, viewed 1 November 2008, <>
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